Hi there,

I have experienced some problems starting the master server.

Solr4.2 under Tomcat 7 on Centos6.

Configuration : 
3 solr instances running on different machines, one shard, 3 cores, 2
replicas, using Zookeeper comes with Solr 

The master server A has the following run option: -Dbootstrap_conf=true
-DzkRun -DnumShards=1, 
The slave servers B and C have : -DzkHost=masterServerIP:2181 

It works well for add/update/delete etc after I start up master and slave
servers in order.

When the master A is up stop/start slave B and C are OK.

When slave B and C are running I couldn't restart master A. Only after I
shutdown B and C then I can start master A.

Is this a feature or bug or something I haven't configure properly?

Thanks advance for your help


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