Mark very good.

发件人: Erick Erickson [] 
发送时间: 2013年3月19日 21:57
主题: Re: SolrCloud with Zookeeper ensemble : fail to restart master server

First, the bootstrap_conf  and numShards should only be specified the _first_ 
time you start up your leader. bootstrap_conf's purpose is to push the 
configuration files to Zookeeper. numShards is a one-time-only parameter that 
you shouldn't specify more than once, it is ignored afterwards I think. Once 
the conf files are up in zookeeper, then they don't need to be pushed again 
until they change, and you can use the command-line tools to do that....

Terminology: we're trying to get away from master/slave and use leader/replica 
in SolrCloud mode to distinguish it from the old replication process, so just 
checking to be sure that you probably really mean leader/replica, right?

 Watch your admin/SolrCloud link as you bring machines up and down. That page 
will show you the state of each of your machines. Normally there's no trouble 
bringing the leader up and down, _except_ it sounds like you have your 
zookeeper running embedded. A quorum of ZK nodes (in this case one) needs to be 
running for SolrCloud to operate. Still, that shouldn't prevent your machine 
running ZK from coming back up.

So I'm a bit puzzled, but let's straighten out the startup stuff and watch your 
solr log on your leader when you bring it up, that should generate some more 


On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 11:12 PM, Patrick Mi <
> wrote:

> Hi there,
> I have experienced some problems starting the master server.
> Solr4.2 under Tomcat 7 on Centos6.
> Configuration :
> 3 solr instances running on different machines, one shard, 3 cores, 2 
> replicas, using Zookeeper comes with Solr
> The master server A has the following run option: 
> -Dbootstrap_conf=true -DzkRun -DnumShards=1, The slave servers B and C 
> have : -DzkHost=masterServerIP:2181
> It works well for add/update/delete etc after I start up master and 
> slave servers in order.
> When the master A is up stop/start slave B and C are OK.
> When slave B and C are running I couldn't restart master A. Only after 
> I shutdown B and C then I can start master A.
> Is this a feature or bug or something I haven't configure properly?
> Thanks advance for your help
> Regards,
> Patrick

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