
I was able to solve this by removing any reference to dataDir from the
solrconfig.xml.  So in solr.xml for each node I have:
  <cores adminPath="/admin/cores" host="${host:}" hostPort="${jetty.port:}">
    <core name="jira-issue" instanceDir="jira-issue" >
       <property name="dataDir" value="jira-issue/data/" />
    <core name="jira-comment" instanceDir="jira-comment" >
       <property name="dataDir" value="jira-comment/data/" />
    <core name="jira-change-history" instanceDir="jira-change-history" >
       <property name="dataDir" value="jira-change-history/data/" />

and in solrconfig.xml in each core I have removed the reference to dataDir
<!-- <dataDir>${}</dataDir> -->

On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 8:41 AM, Trevor Campbell <>wrote:

> That example does not work if you have > 1 collection (core) per node, all
> end up sharing the same index and overwrite one another.
> On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 6:27 PM, Gopal Patwa <> wrote:
>> if you use default directory then it will use solr.home directory, I have
>> tested solr cloud example on local machine with 5-6 nodes.And data
>> directory was created under core name, like
>> "example2/solr/collection1/data". you could see example startup script
>> from
>> source code "solr/cloud-dev/"
>> example solrconfig.xml
>>   <dataDir>${}</dataDir>
>> On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 10:44 PM, Trevor Campbell
>> <>wrote:
>> > I have three indexes which I have set up as three separate cores, using
>> > this solr.xml config.
>> >
>> >   <cores adminPath="/admin/cores" host="${host:}"
>> > hostPort="${jetty.port:}">
>> >     <core name="jira-issue" instanceDir="jira-issue" >
>> >        <property name="dataDir" value="jira-issue/data/" />
>> >     </core>
>> >     <core name="jira-comment" instanceDir="jira-comment" >
>> >        <property name="dataDir" value="jira-comment/data/" />
>> >     </core>
>> >     <core name="jira-change-history"
>> instanceDir="jira-change-**history" >
>> >        <property name="dataDir" value="jira-change-history/**data/" />
>> >     </core>
>> >   </cores>
>> >
>> > This works just fine a standalone solr.
>> >
>> > I duplicated this setup on the same machine under a completely separate
>> > solr installation (solr-nodeb) and modified all the data directroies to
>> > point to the direstories in nodeb.  This all worked fine.
>> >
>> > I then connected the 2 instances together with zoo-keeper using settings
>> > "-Dbootstrap_conf=true -Dcollection.configName=**jiraCluster -DzkRun
>> > -DnumShards=1" for the first intsance and "-DzkHost=localhost:9080" for
>> >  the second. (I'm using tomcat and ports 8080 and 8081 for the 2 Solr
>> > instances)
>> >
>> > Now the data directories of the second node point to the data
>> directories
>> > in the first node.
>> >
>> > I have tried many settings in the solrconfig.xml for each core but am
>> now
>> > using absolute paths, e.g.
>> > <dataDir>/home/xxxxxxxx/solr-**4.2.0-nodeb/example/multicore/**
>> > jira-comment/data</dataDir>
>> >
>> > previously I used
>> > ${**home/tcampbell/solr-4.2.0-**
>> > nodeb/example/multicore/jira-**comment/data}
>> > but that had the same result.
>> >
>> > It seems zookeeper is forcing data directory config from the uploaded
>> > configuration on all the nodes in the cluster?
>> >
>> > How can I do testing on a single machine? Do I really need identical
>> > directory layouts on all machines?
>> >
>> >
>> >

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