Shawn, thanks for your detailed explanation. My system will work on high
load. I mean I will always index something and something always will be
queried at my system. That is why I consider about physically separating
indexer and query reply machines. I think about that: imagine a machine
that both does indexing (a disk IO for it, I don't know the underlying
system maybe Solr makes a sequential IO) and both trying to reply queries
(another kind of IO) That is my main challenge to decide separating them.
And the next step is that, if I separate them before response can I filter
the data of indexer machines (I don't have any filtering  issues right now,
I just think that maybe I can need it at future)

2013/4/3 Shawn Heisey <>

> On 4/1/2013 3:02 PM, Furkan KAMACI wrote:
> > I want to separate my cloud into two logical parts. One of them is
> indexer
> > cloud of SolrCloud. Second one is Searcher cloud of SolrCloud.
> >
> > My first question is that. Does separating my cloud system make sense
> about
> > performance improvement. Because I think that when indexing, searching
> make
> > time to response and if I separate them I get a performance improvement.
> On
> > the other hand maybe using all Solr machines as whole (I mean not
> > partitioning as I mentioned) SolrCloud can make a better load balancing,
> I
> > would want to learn it.
> >
> > My second question is that. Let's assume that I have separated my
> machines
> > as I mentioned. Can I filter some indexes to be searchable or not from
> > Searcher SolrCloud?
> SolrCloud gets rid of the master and slave designations.  It also gets
> rid of the line between indexing and querying.  Each shard has a replica
> that is designated the leader, but that has no real impact on searching
> and indexing, only on deciding which data to use when replicas get out
> of sync.
> In the old master-slave architecture, you indexed to the master and the
> updated index files were replicated to the slave.  The slave did not
> handle the analysis for indexing, so it was usually better to send
> queries to slaves and let the master only do indexing.
> SolrCloud is very different.  When you index, the documents are indexed
> on all replicas at about the same time.  When you query, the requests
> are load balanced across all replicas.  During normal operation,
> SolrCloud does not use replication at all.  The replication feature is
> only used when a replica gets out of sync with the leader, and in that
> case, the entire index is replicated.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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