Could you guys please take this discussion offline or over to a Nutch mailing list - where it belongs? This has nothing to do with Solr.

-- Jack Krupansky
-----Original Message----- From: Gora Mohanty
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 10:46 AM
Subject: Re: Difference Between Indexing and Reindexing

On 4 April 2013 19:29, Furkan KAMACI <> wrote:
I use Nutch 2.1 and using that:

bin/nutch solrindex http://localhost:8983/solr -index
bin/nutch solrindex http://localhost:8983/solr -reindex

Sorry, but are you sure that you are using 2.1. Here is
what I get with:
./bin/nutch solrindex

Usage: SolrIndexer <solr url> <crawldb> [-linkdb <linkdb>] [-params
k1=v1&k2=v2...] (<segment> ... | -dir <segments>) [-noCommit]
[-deleteGone] [-filter] [-normalize]

i.e., there are no index/reindex options, and nor do I see any in
the code for src/java/org/apache/nutch/indexer/solr/


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