Looking a bit deeper showed that replication?command=commit reports the
right indexversion, generation and filelist.
<arr name="commits">
  <long name="indexVersion">1365357951589</long>
  <long name="generation">198</long>
   <arr name="filelist">

And with replication?command=details I also see the correct commit part as
above, BUT where the hell are the wrong info below the commit array are
coming from?
<str name="isMaster">true</str>
<str name="isSlave">false</str>
<long name="indexVersion">1365357774190</long>
<long name="generation">197</long>

The command replication?command=filelist&generation=197
replies with
<str name="status">invalid index generation</str>

Have a look into the sources:
Ahh, it is build in getReplicationDetails with:
details.add("isMaster", String.valueOf(isMaster));
details.add("isSlave", String.valueOf(isSlave));
long[] versionAndGeneration = getIndexVersion();
details.add("indexVersion", versionAndGeneration[0]);
details.add(GENERATION, versionAndGeneration[1]);

So getIndexVersion() gets a wrong version and generation, but why?
It first gets the searcher from the core and then tries to get
via the IndexReader the IndexCommit and then the commitData.

I think I should use remote debugging on master.
At least I now know that it is the master.


Am 09.04.2013 08:35, schrieb Bernd Fehling:
> Hi Hoss,
> we don't use autoCommit and autoSoftCommit.
> We don't use openSearcher.
> We don't use transaction log.
> I can see it in the AdminGUI and with
> http://master_host:port/solr/replication?command=indexversion
> All files are replicated from master to slave, nothing lost.
> It is just that the gen/version differs and breaks our cronjobs which
> worked since solr 2.x.
> As you mentioned, it seams that the latest commit is fetched.
> Strange thing is,
> we start with a clean, empty index on master. With all commands we send
> a commit=true and, where applicable, an optimze=true.
> The master is always in state "optimzed and current" when replicating.
> How can it be that the searcher on master is referring to an older commit 
> point
> if there is no such point. The logs show _AFTER_ the last optimize has 
> finished
> a new searcher is started and the old one is closed.
> Also, we have replicateAfter startup, commit and optimize set but the AdminGUI
> and replication details only report replicateAfter commit and startup.
> Not really an error, but not that what is really set in the config!
> Very strange, I will try the patch.
> Regards
> Bernd
> Am 08.04.2013 20:12, schrieb Chris Hostetter:
>> : I know there was some effort to fix this but I must report
>> : that solr 4.2.1 has still problems with index version and
>> : index generation numbering in master/slave mode with replication.
>>      ...
>> : RESULT: slave has different (higher) version number and is with generation 
>> 1 ahead :-(
>> Can you please provide more details...
>> * are you using autocommit? with what settings?
>> * are you using openSearcher=false in any of your commits?
>> * where exactly are you looking that you see the master/slave out of sync?
>> * are you observing any actual problems, or just seeing that the 
>> gen/version are reported as different?
>> As Joel mentioned, there is an open Jira related purely to the *display* 
>> of information about gen/version between master & slave, because in many 
>> cases the "searcher" in use on the master may refer to an older commit 
>> point, but it doesn't mean there is any actual problem in replication -- 
>> the slave is still fetching & seraching the latest commit from the master 
>> as intended....
>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-4661
>> -Hoss

Bernd Fehling                    Bielefeld University Library
Dipl.-Inform. (FH)                LibTec - Library Technology
Universitätsstr. 25                  and Knowledge Management
33615 Bielefeld
Tel. +49 521 106-4060       bernd.fehling(at)uni-bielefeld.de

BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine - www.base-search.net

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