Can you post what your clusterstate.json?

After you spin up the initial core, it will automatically become leader for
that shard.

On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 3:43 AM, A.Eibner <> wrote:

> Hi Joel,
> I followed your steps, the cores and collection get created, but there is
> no leader elected so I can not query the collection...
> Do I miss something ?
> Kind Regards
> Alexander
> Am 2013-04-09 10:21, schrieb A.Eibner:
>  Hi,
>> thanks for your faster answer.
>> You don't use the Collection API - may I ask you why ?
>> Therefore you have to setup everything (replicas, ...) manually...,
>> which I would like to avoid.
>> Also what I don't understand, why my steps work in 4.0 but won't in
>> 4.2.1...
>> Any clues ?
>> Kind Regards
>> Alexander
>> Am 2013-04-08 19:12, schrieb Joel Bernstein:
>>> The steps that I use to setup the collection are slightly different:
>>> 1) Start zk and upconfig the config set. Your approach is same.
>>> 2) Start appservers with Solr zkHost set to the zk started in step 1.
>>> 3) Use a core admin command to spin up a new core and collection.
>>> http://app01/solr/admin/cores?**action=CREATE&name=storage-**
>>> core&collection=storage&**numShards=1&collection.**
>>> configName=storage-conf<http://app01/solr/admin/cores?action=CREATE&name=storage-core&collection=storage&numShards=1&collection.configName=storage-conf>
>>> <http:/**/app03/solr/admin/collections?**action=CREATE&name=storage&**
>>> numShards=1&replicationFactor=**2&collection.configName=**storage-conf<http://app03/solr/admin/collections?action=CREATE&name=storage&numShards=1&replicationFactor=2&collection.configName=storage-conf>
>>> >
>>> &shard=shard1
>>> This will spin up the new collection and initial core. I'm not using a
>>> replication factor because the following commands manually bind the
>>> replicas.
>>> 4) Spin up replica with a core admin command:
>>> http://app02/solr/admin/cores?**action=CREATE&name=storage-**
>>> core&collection=storage&<http://app02/solr/admin/cores?action=CREATE&name=storage-core&collection=storage&;>
>>> <http:**//app03/solr/admin/**collections?action=CREATE&**
>>> name=storage&numShards=1&**replicationFactor=2&**
>>> collection.configName=storage-**conf<http://app03/solr/admin/collections?action=CREATE&name=storage&numShards=1&replicationFactor=2&collection.configName=storage-conf>
>>> >
>>> shard=shard1
>>> 5) Same command as above on the 3rd server to spin up another replica.
>>> This will spin up a new core and bind it to shard1 of the storage
>>> collection.
>>> On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 9:34 AM, A.Eibner <> wrote:
>>>  Hi,
>>>> I have a problem with setting up my solr cloud environment (on three
>>>> machines).
>>>> If I want to create my collections from scratch I do the following:
>>>> *) Start ZooKeeper on all machines.
>>>> *) Upload the configuration (on app02) for the collection via the
>>>> following command:
>>>> -cmd upconfig --zkhost app01:4181,app02:4181,app03:****
>>>> 4181
>>>> --confdir config/solr/storage/conf/ --confname storage-conf
>>>> *) Linking the configuration (on app02) via the following command:
>>>> -cmd linkconfig --collection storage --confname
>>>> storage-conf
>>>> --zkhost app01:4181,app02:4181,app03:****4181
>>>> *) Start Tomcats (containing Solr) on app02,app03
>>>> *) Create Collection via:
>>>> http://app03/solr/admin/****collections?action=CREATE&**<http://app03/solr/admin/**collections?action=CREATE&**>
>>>> name=storage&numShards=1&****replicationFactor=2&**
>>>> collection.configName=storage-****conf<http://app03/solr/**
>>>> admin/collections?action=**CREATE&name=storage&numShards=**
>>>> 1&replicationFactor=2&**collection.configName=storage-**conf<http://app03/solr/admin/collections?action=CREATE&name=storage&numShards=1&replicationFactor=2&collection.configName=storage-conf>
>>>> >
>>>> This creates the replication of the shard on app02 and app03, but
>>>> neither
>>>> of them is marked as leader, both are marked as DOWN.
>>>> And after wards I can not access the collection.
>>>> In the browser I get:
>>>> "SEVERE: org.apache.solr.common.****SolrException: no servers hosting
>>>> shard:"
>>>> In the log files the following error is present:
>>>> SEVERE: Error from shard: app02:9985/solr
>>>> org.apache.solr.common.****SolrException: Error CREATEing SolrCore
>>>> 'storage_shard1_replica1':
>>>>          at
>>>> org.apache.solr.client.solrj.****impl.HttpSolrServer.request(****
>>>>          at
>>>> org.apache.solr.client.solrj.****impl.HttpSolrServer.request(****
>>>>          at org.apache.solr.handler.****component.HttpShardHandler$1.**
>>>> **
>>>> call(****172)
>>>>          at org.apache.solr.handler.****component.HttpShardHandler$1.**
>>>> **
>>>> call(****135)
>>>>          at java.util.concurrent.****FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(**
>>>>          at java.util.concurrent.********
>>>> java:166)
>>>>          at java.util.concurrent.****Executors$RunnableAdapter.**
>>>> call(
>>>>          at java.util.concurrent.****FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(**
>>>>          at java.util.concurrent.********
>>>> java:166)
>>>>          at java.util.concurrent.****ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(****
>>>>          at java.util.concurrent.****ThreadPoolExecutor$****
>>>>          at****java:722)
>>>> Caused by:****ZooKeeperException:
>>>>          at org.apache.solr.core.****CoreContainer.registerInZk(**
>>>>          at org.apache.solr.core.****CoreContainer.registerCore(**
>>>>          at org.apache.solr.core.****CoreContainer.register(**
>>>>          at org.apache.solr.handler.admin.****CoreAdminHandler.**
>>>> handleCreateAction(****
>>>>          ... 19 more
>>>> Caused by: org.apache.solr.common.****SolrException: Error getting
>>>> leader
>>>> from zk for shard shard1
>>>>          at****ZkController.getLeader(**
>>>>          at****ZkController.register(**
>>>>          at****ZkController.register(**
>>>>          at org.apache.solr.core.****CoreContainer.registerInZk(**
>>>>          ... 22 more
>>>> Caused by: java.lang.****InterruptedException: sleep interrupted
>>>>          at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
>>>>          at****ZkController.getLeaderProps(**
>>>>          at****ZkController.getLeaderProps(**
>>>>          at****ZkController.getLeader(**
>>>>          ... 25 more
>>>> I have attached a minimal set of configuration files which are needed to
>>>> replicate this error, also containing the log files for the commands
>>>> I have
>>>> run in the order above.
>>>> I use the following versions of:
>>>> Solr: 4.2.1
>>>> ZooKeeper: 3.4.5
>>>> Tomcat 7.0.27
>>>> app01: ZooKeeper
>>>> app02: ZooKeeper, Solr (in Tomcat)
>>>> app03: ZooKeeper, Solr (in Tomcat)
>>>> The same procedure does work if I use Solr 4.0, but the BUG (
>>>> <https://****SOLR-3939<>
>>>> >
>>>> ) prevents me from using 4.0 in this scenario.
>>>> If you need anything else, please just say so.
>>>> Thanks for your help
>>>> Kind Regards
>>>> Alexander

Joel Bernstein
Professional Services LucidWorks

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