The leader would not be behind replica because the old leader would not
come back and take over the leader role. It would ne just a replica and it
would replicate the index from whichever node is the leader.

Solr & ElasticSearch Support
On Apr 29, 2013 5:31 PM, "Furkan KAMACI" <> wrote:

> I think about such situation:
> Let's assume that I am indexing at my SolrCloud. My leader has a version of
> higher than replica as well (I have one leader and one replica for each
> shard). If I kill leader, replica will be leader as well. When I startup
> old leader again it will be a replica for my shard.
> However I think that leader will have less document than replica and a less
> version than replica. Does it cause a problem because of leader is behing
> of replica?

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