Shawn thanks for detailed answer, it explains everything. I think that
there is no problem. I will use 4.3. when it is available and if I see a
situation something like that I will report.

2013/5/3 Shawn Heisey <>

> On 5/2/2013 2:19 PM, Furkan KAMACI wrote:
> > I see that at my admin page:
> >
> > Replication (Slave)  Version              Gen    Size
> > Master:                  1367307652512   82      778.04 MB
> > Slave:                   1367307658862   82      781.05 MB
> >
> > and I started to figure about it so that's why I asked this question.
> As we've been trying to tell you, the sizes can (and will) be different
> between replicas on SolrCloud.  Also, if you're not running a recent
> release candidate of 4.3, then the version numbers on the replication
> screen are misleading.  See SOLR-4661 for more details.
> Your example of version numbers like 100, 90, and 95 wouldn't actually
> happen, because the version number is based on the current time in
> milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.  If you index after killing
> the leader, the new leader's version number will be higher than the
> offline replica.
> If you can find actual proof of a problem with index updates related to
> killing the leader, then we can take the bug report and work on fixing
> it.  Here's how you would go about finding proof.  It would be easiest
> to have one shard, but if you want to make sure it's OK with multiple
> shards, you would have to kill all the leaders.
> * Start with a functional collection with two replicas.
> * Index a document with a recognizable ID like "A".
> * Make sure you can find document A.
> * Kill the leader replica, let's say it was replica1.
> * Make sure replica2 becomes leader.
> * Make sure you can find document A.
> * Index document B.
> * Start replica1, wait for it to turn green.
> * Make sure you can still find document B.
> * Kill the leader again, this time it's replica2.
> * Make sure you can still find document B.
> To my knowledge, nobody has reported a real problem with proof.  I would
> imagine that more than one person has done testing like this to make
> sure that SolrCloud is reliable.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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