Purely from empirical observation, both the DocumentCache and QueryResultCache 
are being populated and reused in reloads of a simple MLT search.  You can see 
in the cache inserts how much extra-curricular activity is happening to 
populate the MLT data by how many inserts and lookups occur on the first load. 

(lifted right out of the MLT wiki http://wiki.apache.org/solr/MoreLikeThis )


There is no activity in the filterCache, fieldCache, or fieldValueCache - and 
that makes plenty of sense.

On May 9, 2013, at 11:12 AM, David Parks <davidpark...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I'm not the expert here, but perhaps what you're noticing is actually the
> OS's disk cache. The actual solr index isn't cached by solr, but as you read
> the blocks off disk the OS disk cache probably did cache those blocks for
> you. On the 2nd run the index blocks were read out of memory.
> There was a very extensive discussion on this list not long back titled:
> "Re: SolrCloud loadbalancing, replication, and failover" look that thread up
> and you'll get a lot of in-depth on the topic.
> David
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Giammarco Schisani [mailto:giamma...@schisani.com] 
> Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2013 2:59 PM
> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> Subject: More Like This and Caching
> Hi all,
> Could anybody explain which Solr cache (e.g. queryResultCache,
> documentCache, fieldCache, etc.) can be used by the More Like This handler?
> One of my colleagues had previously suggested that the More Like This
> handler does not take advantage of any of the Solr caches.
> However, if I issue two identical MLT requests to the same Solr instance,
> the second request will execute much faster than the first request (for
> example, the first request will execute in 200ms and the second request will
> execute in 20ms). This makes me believe that at least one of the Solr caches
> is being used by the More Like This handler.
> I think the "documentCache" is the cache that is most likely being used, but
> would you be able to confirm?
> As information, I am currently using Solr version 3.6.1.
> Kind regards,
> Giammarco Schisani

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