On 5/9/2013 9:41 PM, Kamal Palei wrote:
> I hope there must be some mechanism, by which I can associate salary,
> experience, age etc with resume document during indexing. And when
> I search for resumes I can give all filters accordingly and can retrieve
> 100 records and strait way I can show 100 records to user without doing any
> mysql query. Please let me know if this is feasible. If so, kindly give me
> some pointer how do I do it.

If you define fields for these values in your schema, then you can send
send filter queries to restrict the search.  Solr will filter invalid
documents out and only send the results that match your requirements.
Some examples of the filter queries you can use are below.  You can add
more than one of these; they will be ANDed together.

&fq=age:[21 TO 45]
&fq=experience:[2 TO *]
&fq=salaryReq:[* TO 55000]

If you're using a Solr API (for Java, PHP, etc) rather than constructing
a URL to send directly to Solr, then the API will have a mechanism for
adding filters to your query.

One caveat: unless you can write code that will automatically extract
this information from a resume and/or application, then you will need
someone doing data entry that drives the indexing, or you will need
prospective employees to fill out a computerized form for their application.


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