There is also with nice examples.

On 06/05/2013 12:13 PM, Jack Krupansky wrote:
"Is there any other documentation that I should review?"

It's in the works! Within a week or two.

-- Jack Krupansky

-----Original Message----- From: Dotan Cohen
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: Phrase matching with set union as opposed to set intersection on query terms

On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 6:10 PM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:
On 6/5/2013 9:03 AM, Dotan Cohen wrote:
How would one write a query which should perform set union on the
search terms (term1 OR term2 OR term3), and yet also perform phrase
matching if both terms are found? I tried a few variants of the
following, but in every case I am getting set intersection on the
search terms:

select?q={!q.op=OR}text:"term1 term2"~100000

A phrase search by definition will require all terms to be present.
Even though it is multiple terms, conceptually it is treated as a single

It sounds like what you are after is what edismax can do.  If you define
the pf field in addition to the qf field, Solr will do something pretty
amazing - it will automatically construct a phrase query from a
non-phrase query and search with it against multiple fields.  Done
correctly, this means that an exact match will be listed first in the


Thank you Shawn, this pretty much does what I need it to do:
select?defType=edismax&q={!q.op=OR}search_field:term1 term2&pf=search_field

I'm reviewing the Edismax page now. Is there any other documentation
that I should review? I have found the Edismax page at the wonderful
lucidworks site, but if there are any other documentation that I
should review to squeeze the most out of Edismax thenI would love to
know about it.

Thank you very much!

Dotan Cohen

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