
We have 5 shards with replication factor 2 (total 10 jvm instances). Our shards 
are named (shardid) shard1,shard2,shard3,shar4 and shar5 and collection name is 
collection1. When we execute this command:

curl --proxy '' 

We get this error:

<lst name="failure">
CREATEing SolrCore 'collection1_shard1_0_replica1': Core with same data dir 
'collection1' already exists.</str>
CREATEing SolrCore 'collection1_shard1_1_replica1': Core with same data dir 
'collection1' already exists.</str>
not found:collection1_shard1_0_replica1</str>
not found:collection1_shard1_1_replica1</str>
 at http://$HOST:8983/solr returned non ok status:500, message:Server 
 at http://$HOST:8983/solr returned non ok status:500, message:Server 
 at http://$HOST:8983/solr returned non ok status:500, message:Server 
CREATEing SolrCore 'collection1_shard1_1_replica2': Unable to create core: 
CREATEing SolrCore 'collection1_shard1_0_replica2': Core with same data dir 
'collection1' already exists.</str>
not found:collection1_shard1_0_replica1</str>
not found:collection1_shard1_1_replica1</str>

Does the collection name has to be different than existing collection? If yes, 
why is that? We're not creating a new collection. We just want to split 
existing shard. 

Thanks much!

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