I think what is needed is a Leader that, while being a Leader for its
own Slice in its local Cluster and Collection (I think I'm using all
the latest terminology correctly here), is at the same time a Replica
of its own Leader counterpart in the "Primary Cluster".

Not currently possible, AFAIK.
Or maybe there is a better way?

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On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 1:07 PM, Kevin Osborn <kevin.osb...@cbsi.com> wrote:
> We are going to have two datacenters, each with their own SolrCloud and
> ZooKeeper quorums. The end result will be that they should be replicas of
> each other.
> One method that has been mentioned is that we should add documents to each
> cluster separately. For various reasons, this may not be ideal for us.
> Instead, we are playing around with the idea of always indexing to one
> datacenter. And then having that replicate to the other datacenter. And
> this is where I am having some trouble on how to proceed.
> The nice thing about SolrCloud is that there is no masters and slaves. Each
> node is equals, has the same configs, etc. But in this case, I want to have
> a node in one datacenter poll for changes in another data center. Before
> SolrCloud, I would have used slave/master replication. But in the SolrCloud
> world, I am not sure how to configure this setup?
> Or is there any better ideas on how to use replication to push or pull data
> from one datacenter to another?
> In my case, NRT is not a requirement. And I will also be dealing with about
> 3 collections and 5 or 6 shards.
> Thanks.
> --
> CNET Content Solutions
> OFFICE 949.399.8714
> CELL 949.310.4677      SKYPE osbornk
> 5 Park Plaza, Suite 600, Irvine, CA 92614
> [image: CNET Content Solutions]

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