Here is an example how I use PropagateServer inside CloudSolrServer:

public static List<CloudStatistics> customListStatistics(CloudSolrServer
solrServer) {
  NamedList<Object> namedList = new SimpleOrderedMap<Object>();
  try {
    namedList = solrServer.request(new LukeRequest());
  } catch (SolrServerException e) {
  } catch (IOException e) {
 List<NamedList<Object>> all = (List<NamedList<Object>>)
 List<CloudStatistics> cloudStatisticsList = new

  for (NamedList<Object> namedListSlice : all) {
     cloudStatisticsList.add(new CloudStatistics((NamedList<Object>)
  return cloudStatisticsList;

PS: CloudStatistics is a class implemented by me and holds statistics

2013/7/4 Daniel Collins <>

> Ok, in the scenario where the calling "app" uses SolrJ and creates a
> CloudSolrServer to send all its requests in.  In that case, yes I can see
> the logic that says CloudSolrServer shouldn't load balance that (its not
> that type of request), it should forward it on to all the servers in the
> cloud.  What will happen to the responses, do you get N (independent)
> responses back or do you plan to do some kind of aggregation?
> I confess we don't use SolrJ (our clients are C++), so we just manually
> send the request to all the servers in the cloud (will integrate with ZK
> when we work out that interface) so it would be nice if HTTP callers could
> do the same (maybe something like "distrib=true|false" on the LukeRequest
> as a shot in the dark, caller can request details from 1 server, or from
> the cloud as a whole?)
> Is there a way to send the Threads (/admin/threads) and stats requests
> (/admin/mbeans)?  We also use them for monitoring (we can't deploy the
> web-based monitoring tools for various internal reasons which I won't bore
> you with!), but I can't see a request in SolrJ that would map to them?
> On 3 July 2013 22:08, Furkan KAMACI <> wrote:
> > Hi;
> >
> > I've written an e-mail at dev list and I want to share same e-mail here.
> > I've opened two issues at Jira and I want to get feedback of community.
> >
> > First issue is:
> > Currently Solr servers are interacting with only one Solr node. I think
> > that there should be an implementation that propagates requests into
> > multiple Solr nodes. For example when Solr is used as SolrCloud sending a
> > LukeRequest should be made to one node at each shard. First patch will be
> > related to implementing a PropagateServer for Solr.
> >
> > Second issue is related to first one:
> >
> > Let's assume that you are using Solr as SolrCloud and you have more than
> > one shard. Let's assume that there are 20 docs at shard_1 and 15 docs at
> > shard_2. When using CloudSolrServer if you make a LukeRequest it uses
> > LBHttpSolrServer internally and it sends request to just one Solr Node
> (via
> > HttpSolrServer) as round robin. So you may get 20 docs as a result at
> first
> > request and if you send same request you may get 15 docs as a result too.
> > Using a PropagateServer inside CloudSolrServer will fix that bug.
> >
> > I've made initial patchs for them and I will change/add code to them
> after
> > getting feedback from community (i.e. first patch does not make multi
> > threaded requests at PropagateServer, I just want to get feedbacks of
> > community after that I will add other features)
> >
> > Thanks;
> > Furkan KAMACI
> >

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