On 7/6/2013 4:27 PM, Steven Glass wrote:
Thanks for your response.

But it seems like there should be a way to issue the equivalent of


which returns


from the server.  I know how to do it using HTTPGet in Android, but I can't use 
that in my desktop app because sometimes I'm connected to a local set of files 
using an embedded SolrJ server.  It seems silly to write a bunch of code to 
parse the files myself when Solr already does it so well.

There does not seem to be a request handler to use to issue such a call nor a 
direct API.

Has anyone ever gotten this information from the server using SolrJ?

This code works against a 4.4-SNAPSHOT server. I believe that parts of the schema REST API are in 4.3.1, so this will likely work against that version too:

  String url = "http://server:port/solr/corename";;
  SolrServer server = new HttpSolrServer(url);
  SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery();
  QueryResponse response = server.query(query);
  float version = (float) response.getResponse().get("version");


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