On 7/14/2013 7:05 AM, Chris Collins wrote:
> Yep I did switch on stored=true in the field type.  I was able to confirm a 
> few ways that there are values for the eff by two methods:
> 1) changing desc to asc produced drastically different results.
> 2) debugging FileFloatSource the following was getting triggered filling the 
> vals array:
>               while ((doc = docsEnum.nextDoc()) != 
> DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
>                 {
>                     vals[doc] = fval;
>                 }
> At least by you asking these questions I guess it should work.  I will 
> continue dissecting. 

Did you reindex when you changed the schema?  Sorting uses indexed
values, not stored values.  The fl parameter requires the stored values.
 These are separate within the index, and one cannot substitute for the
other.  If you didn't reindex, then you won't have the stored values for
existing documents.



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