Hello, thank you for the quick reply!

But given that facet.sort=index just sorts by the faceted index (and I don't 
want the facet itself to be in lower-case), would that really work?

Henrik Ossipoff

-----Original Message-----
From: David Quarterman [mailto:da...@corexe.com] 
Sent: 15. juli 2013 16:46
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: RE: Facet sorting seems weird

Hi Henrik,

Try setting up a copyfield in your schema and set the copied field to use 
something like 'text_ws' which implements LowerCaseFilterFactory. Then sort on 
the copyfield.



-----Original Message-----
From: Henrik Ossipoff Hansen [mailto:h...@entertainment-trading.com] 
Sent: 15 July 2013 15:08
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Facet sorting seems weird

Hello, first time writing to the list. I am a developer for a company where we 
recently switched all of our search core from Sphinx to Solr with very great 
results. In general we've been very happy with the switch, and everything seems 
to work just as we want it to.

Today however we've run into a bit of a issue regarding faceted sort.

For example we have a field called "brand" in our core, defined as the text_en 
datatype from the example Solr core. This field is copied into facet_brand with 
the datatype string (since we don't really need to do much with it except show 
it for faceted navigation).

Now, given these two entries into the field on different documents, "LEGO" and 
"bObles", and given facet.sort=index, it appears that LEGO is sorted as being 
before bObles. I assume this is because of casing differences.

My question then is, how do we define a decent datatype in our schema, where 
the casing is exact, but we are able to sort it without casing mattering?

Thank you :)

Best regards,
Henrik Ossipoff

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