Hi all

I am using a Custom RequestHandlerBase where I am querying from multiple
different Solr instance and aggregating their output as a XML Document
using DOM,
now in the RequestHandler's function handleRequestBody(SolrQueryRequest
req, SolrQueryResponse resp) I want to output this XML Document to the user
as a response, but if I write it as a Document or Node by

For Document
response.add("grouped", domResult);

response.add("grouped", domNode);

its writing to the user

For Document
com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.dom.DocumentImpl:[#document: null]
For Node
com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.dom.ElementImpl:[arr: null]

Even when the Document is present, because when I convert the Document to
String its coming perfectly, but I don't want it as a String rather I want
it in a XML format.

Please this is very urgent, has anybody worked on this!


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