
Is it possible to sort search results based on the count of similar documents a 
document has? Say we have a document A which has 4 other similar documents in 
the index and document B which has 10. Then the order solr returns them should 
be B, A. Sorting on moreLikeThis counts for each document would be an example 
of this (in my case I use ngram similarity detection from Tika).

I have tried doing this via custom SearchComponent, where I can find all 
similar documents for each document in current search result, then add a new 
field into document hoping to use sort parameter (q=*&sort=similarityCount). 
But this will not work because sort is done before handling my custom search 
component, if added via last-components. Can't add it via first-components, 
because then I will have no access to query results. And I do not want to 
override QueryComponent because I need to have all the functionality it covers: 
grouping, facets, etc.


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