Hi Robert,

The upcoming 4.4 release should make this a bit easier (you can check out the 
release branch now if you like, or wait a few days for the official version).  
CoreContainer now takes a SolrResourceLoader and a ConfigSolr object as 
constructor parameters, and you can create a ConfigSolr object from a string 
representation of solr.xml using the ConfigSolr.fromString() static method.

Alan Woodward

On 22 Jul 2013, at 11:41, Robert Krüger wrote:

> Hi,
> I use solr embedded in a desktop app and I want to change it to no
> longer require the configuration for the container and core to be in
> the filesystem but rather be distributed as part of a jar file.
> Could someone kindly point me to the right docs?
> So far my impression is, I need to instantiate CoreContainer with a
> custom SolrResourceLoader with properties parsed via some other API
> but from the javadocs alone I feel a bit lost (why does it have to
> have an instance directory at all?) and googling did not give me many
> results. What would be ideal would be to have something like this
> (pseudocode with partly imagined names, which hopefully illustrates
> what I am trying to achieve):
> ContainerConfig containerConfig =
> ContainerConfigParser.parse(<InputStream from Classloader>);
> CoreContainer  container = new CoreContainer(containerConfig);
> CoreConfig coreConfig = CoreConfigParser.parse(container, <InputStream
> from Classloader>);
> container.register(<name>, coreConfig);
> Ideally I would like to keep XML format to reuse my current solr.xml
> and solrconfig.xml but that is just a nice-to-have.
> Does such a way exist and if so, what are the real API classes and calls to 
> use?
> Thank you in advance,
> Robert

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