
I have implemented like Chris described it:
The field is indexed as numeric, but displayed as string, according to 
It applies to facet, pivot, group and query.

How do we proceed? How do I contribute it?


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Hostetter [mailto:hossman_luc...@fucit.org] 
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2013 4:40 AM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Re: new field type - enum field

: Doable at Lucene level by any chance?

Given how well the Trie fields compress (ByteField and ShortField have been 
deprecated in favor of TrieIntField for this reason) it probably just makes 
sense to treat it as a numeric at the Lucene level.

: > If there's positive feedback, I'll open an issue with a patch for the 

I've typically dealt with this sort of thing at the client layer using a simple 
numeric field in Solr, or used an UpdateProcessor to convert the 
String->numeric mapping when indexing & used clinet logic of a
DocTransformer to handle the stored value at query time -- but having a built 
in FieldType that handles that for you automatically (and helps ensure the 
indexed values conform to the enum) would certainly be cool if you'd like to 
contribute it.


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