On Sat, Jul 27, 2013 at 4:30 PM, Roman Chyla <roman.ch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Let me just explain better what I found when I dug inside solr: documents
> (results of the query) are loaded before they are passed into a writer - so
> the writers are expecting to encounter the solr documents, but these
> documents were loaded by one of the components before rendering them

Hmmm, are you saying that it looks like documents are not being streamed?
Solr was designed to stream documents from a single server from day 1...
currently all that is collected up-front is the list of internal
docids (an int[]) and the stored fields are loaded and streamed back
one by one.

Of course it's certainly possible that someone introduced a bug, so we
should investigate if you think you see non-streaming action from a
single server.  Distributed is a different can of worms ;-)


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