
I am currently using solr -3.5.0,  indexed  wikipedia dump (50 gb) with
java 1.6.
I am searching the solr with text (which is actually twitter tweets) .
Currently it takes average time of 210 millisecond for each post, out of
which 200 millisecond is consumed by solr server (QTime).  I used the
jconsole monitor tool.

The stats are
   Heap usage - 10-50Mb,
   No of threads - 10-20
   No of class    - 3800,
   Cpu usage - 10-15%

Currently I am loading all the fields of the wikipedia.

I only need the freebase category and wikipedia category. I want to know
how to optimize the solr server to improve the performance.

Could you please help me out in optimize the performance?

Thanks and Regards

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