
SolrCloud 4.0: 6 machines, quadcore, 8GB ram, 1T disk, one Solr-node on each, one collection across the 6 nodes, 4 shards per node Storing/indexing from 100 threads on external machines, each thread one doc at the time, full speed (they always have a new doc to store/index)
See attached images
* iowait.png: Measured I/O wait on the Solr machines
* doccount.png: Measured number of doc in Solr collection

Starting from an empty collection. Things are fine wrt storing/indexing speed for the first two-three hours (100M docs per hour), then speed goes down dramatically, to an, for us, unacceptable level (max 10M per hour). At the same time as speed goes down, we see that I/O wait increases dramatically. I am not 100% sure, but quick investigation has shown that this is due to almost constant merging.

What to do about this problem?
Know that you can play around with mergeFactor and commit-rate, but earlier tests shows that this really do not seem to do the job - it might postpone the time where the problem occurs, but basically it is just a matter of time before merging exhaust the system. Is there a way to totally avoid merging, and keep indexing speed at a high level, while still making sure that searches will perform fairly well when data-amounts become big? (guess without merging you will end up with lots and lots of "small" files, and I guess this is not good for search response-time)

Regards, Per Steffensen

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