On 17 September 2013 18:31, Mamta Thakur <mtha...@care.com> wrote:

> Hi ,
> As per this post here
> http://grokbase.com/t/lucene/solr-user/131jzcg3q2/how-to-round-solr-score.
> I was able to use my custom fn in
> sort(defType=func&q=socialDegree(id,1)&fl=score,*&sort=score%20asc) - works,
> but can't facet on the
> same(defType=func&q=socialDegree(id,1)&fl=score,*&facet=true&facet.field=score)
> - doesn't work.

'score' is a pseudo-field, i.e., it does not actually exist in
the index, which is probably why it cannot be faceted on.
Faceting on a rounded score seems like an unusual use
case. What requirement are you trying to address?


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