Take a look at LucidWorks Enterprise. It has a graphical UI.

But if you must meet all of the listed requirements and Lucid doesn't meet all of them, then... you will have to develop everything on your own. Or, maybe Lucid might be interested in partnering with you to allow your to add extensions to their UI. If you really are committed to a deep replacement of Endeca's UI, then rolling your own is probably the way to go. Then the question is whether you should open source that UI.

You can also consider extending the Solr Admin UI. It does not do most of your listed features, but having better integration with the Solr Admin UI is a good idea.

-- Jack Krupansky

-----Original Message----- From: Gareth Poulton
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2013 7:50 AM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Migrating from Endeca

A customer wants us to move their entire enterprise platform - of which one
of the many components is Oracle Endeca - to open source.
However, customers being the way they are, they don't want to have to give
up any of the features they currently use, the most prominent of which are
user friendly web-based editors for non-technical people to be able to edit
things like:
- Schema
- Dimensions (i.e. facets)
- Dimension groups (not sure what these are)
- Thesaurus
- Stopwords
- Report generation
- Boosting individual records (i.e. sponsored links)
- Relevance ranking settings
- Process pipeline editor for, e.g. adding new languages
-...all without touching any xml.

My question is, are there any solr features, plugins, modules, third party
applications, or the like that will do this for us? Or will we have to
develop all the above from scratch?


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