Thanks all. I'll have a poke around Hue, but depending on how it goes may
end up doing as Jack suggests and extending the existing admin UI.

On 21 September 2013 02:50, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:

> On 9/19/2013 5:50 AM, Gareth Poulton wrote:
> > A customer wants us to move their entire enterprise platform - of which
> one
> > of the many components is Oracle Endeca - to open source.
> > However, customers being the way they are, they don't want to have to
> give
> > up any of the features they currently use, the most prominent of which
> are
> > user friendly web-based editors for non-technical people to be able to
> edit
> > things like:
> > - Schema
> > - Dimensions (i.e. facets)
> > - Dimension groups (not sure what these are)
> > - Thesaurus
> > - Stopwords
> > - Report generation
> > - Boosting individual records (i.e. sponsored links)
> > - Relevance ranking settings
> > - Process pipeline editor for, e.g. adding new languages
> > -...all without touching any xml.
> I think Jack and Alexandre have pretty much covered what exists now for
> Solr without paying someone for features and support - not much.  There
> is however some background work underway to bring features exactly like
> this to Solr.  Except for the Schema REST API that exists right now, I
> don't think any of it has much priority.  The priority is likely to
> increase in the future, but probably not fast enough for your needs.
> There is a strong desire among the top Solr developers to have Solr
> always be in SolrCloud mode in a future major version release -- which
> means it would use Zookeeper to store all config information, just like
> SolrCloud does now.
> When your config is in a separate network service instead of traditional
> config files, the ability to edit the config using API calls is very
> important.  Creating a UI front-end that uses the API and doesn't
> require editing XML would be EXTREMELY nice.  I'm pretty sure that this
> is the goal with the current work on the Schema REST API.
> If you have any idea how to bring these features to Solr, patches are
> always welcome!
> Some of the things in your list, particularly facets and grouping (which
> is what dimension groups might be equivalent to) are normally handled in
> client code.  The application creates the parameters it needs and
> handles the response.  With Solr they aren't normally configured on the
> server side.  You could do so, by putting parameters in request handler
> definitions.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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