I'm pleased to announce the release of the XML search engine Lux, version 0.10.5. There has been a lot of progress made since our last announced release, which was 0.9.1. Some highlights:

The app server now provides full access to HTTP request data and control of HTTP responses. We've implemented the excellent EXPath specification for this (http://expath.org/spec/webapp <http://expath.org/spec/webapp/editor>) with only a few gaps (eg. no binary file upload yet).

Range comparisons (like [@title > 'median'] are now rewritten by the optimizer to use the lux:key() function when a suitable index is available, and comparisons involving lux:key() are optimized using the Lucene index.

and there have been numerous performance optimizations and bug fixes, detailed at http://issues.luxdb.org/ and in the release notes here: http://luxdb.org/RELEASE-0.10.html.

Lots more information, including downloads, documentation and setup instructions, is available at http://luxdb.org <http://luxdb.org/>, source code is at http://github.com/msokolov/lux, and there is an email list: lu...@luxdb.org, archived at https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/luxdb <https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#%21topic/luxdb>.

Finally, I'll be presenting Lux at Lucene/Solr Revolution in Dublin Nov. 6-7, so if you're anywhere nearby, I encourage you to come, and I look forward to seeing you there!

-Mike Sokolov

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