bq: the sense that there's only one canonical copy.

Agreed, and as you say that copy is kept in ZooKeeper.....

And I pretty much guarantee that the internal solrconfig object
is NOT shared. I doubt the schema object is shared, but it seems
like it could be with some work.

But the savings potential here is rather small unless you have a
large number of cores. The LotsOfCores option is really, at this
point, orthogonal to SolrCloud, I don't think (and we have some
anecdotal evidence) that they don't play nice together....


On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 12:17 PM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:
> On 10/9/2013 6:24 AM, Erick Erickson wrote:
>> Hmmm, I hadn't thought about that before. The shareSchema
>> stuff is keyed off the absolute directory (and timestamp) of
>> the schema.xml file associated with a core and is about
>> sharing the internal object that holds the parsed schema.
>> Do you know for sure if the fact that this is coming from ZK
>> actually shares the schema object? 'Cause I've never
>> looked to see and it would be a good thing to have in my
>> head...
> With SolrCloud, I have no idea whether the actual internal objects are
> shared.  Just now I tried to figure that out from the code, but I don't
> already have an understanding of how that code works, and a quick glance
> isn't enough to gain that knowledge.I can guarantee that you have a much
> deeper understanding of those internals than I do!
> My comments were to indicate that SolrCloud creates a situation where the
> config/schema are shared in the sense that there's only one canonical copy.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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