Hi Otis,
Did you get a chance to look into the logs.  Please let me know if you need 
more information.  Thank you.

Bharat Akkinepalli

-----Original Message-----
From: Akkinepalli, Bharat (ELS-CON) [mailto:b.akkinepa...@elsevier.com] 
Sent: Friday, October 11, 2013 2:16 PM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: RE: Solr 4.4 - Master/Slave configuration - Replication Issue with 
Commits after deleting documents using Delete by ID

Hi Otis,
Thanks for the response.  The log files can be found here.  

MasterLog : http://pastebin.com/DPLKMPcF Slave Log:  

One more point worth mentioning here is that when we issue the commit with 
expungeDeletes=true, then the delete by id replication is successful. i.e. 

Bharat Akkinepalli

-----Original Message-----
From: Otis Gospodnetic [mailto:otis.gospodne...@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2013 6:35 PM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Re: Solr 4.4 - Master/Slave configuration - Replication Issue with 
Commits after deleting documents using Delete by ID


Can you look at the logs on the Master when you issue the delete and the 
subsequent commits and share that?

Solr & ElasticSearch Support -- http://sematext.com/ Performance Monitoring -- 

On Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 3:57 PM, Akkinepalli, Bharat (ELS-CON) 
<b.akkinepa...@elsevier.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> We have recently migrated from Solr 3.6 to Solr 4.4.  We are using the 
> Master/Slave configuration in Solr 4.4 (not Solr Cloud).  We have noticed the 
> following behavior/defect.
> Configuration:
> ===========
> 1.       The Hard Commit and Soft Commit are disabled in the configuration 
> (we control the commits from the application)
> 2.       We have 1 Master and 2 Slaves configured and the pollInterval is 
> configured to 10 Minutes.
> 3.       The Master is configured to have the "replicateAfter" as commit & 
> startup
> Steps to reproduce the problem:
> ==========================
> 1.       Delete a document in Solr  (using delete by id).  URL - 
> http://localhost:8983/solr/annotation/update with body as  
> <delete><id>change.me</id></delete>
> 2.       Issue a commit in Master 
> (http://localhost:8983/solr/annotation/update?commit=true).
> 3.       The replication of the DELETE WILL NOT happen.  The master and slave 
> has the same Index version.
> 4.       If we try to issue another commit in Master, we see that it 
> replicates fine.
> Request you to please confirm if this is a known issue.  Thank you.
> Regards,
> Bharat Akkinepalli

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