On 11/6/2013 11:53 AM, kaustubh147 wrote:
Hi All,

I have further investigated the difference between both the environments.

We have JDK 1.6.0_17 (VM 14.3-b01)on UAT and JDK 1.6.0_33 (VM 20.8-b03)on
QA1. Can it be the reason behind this error?

Is there a recommended jdk version for SolrCloud ?

For Solr 4.x, Java 6 is required, and Java 7 works just fine. Java 6 is no longer receiving unpaid support from Oracle, and there will likely be no more public versions available, which makes Java 7 attractive.

You don't need the JDK, the JRE is sufficient, but having the JDK is not a problem. Oracle's product is recommended for Java 6. For Java 7, OpenJDK is probably sufficient, because for that version OpenJDK is the reference implementation.

Naturally, the latest version is always recommended, at least for Java 6. In the case of Java 7, 1.7.0_40 and 1.7.0_45 have known problems with Lucene/Solr. For Java 7, 1.7.0_25 is currently the recommended version, and hopefully Oracle will be fixing their bug in the next release.

I don't know what might be causing the problems you're seeing when following my advice. You'd have to give a lot of config details and the errors you're seeing.


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