
When full index replication is happening via SnapPuller, a temporary
"timestamped" index dir is created.

1) Under normal circumstances could more than 1 timestamped index
directory ever be present?
2) Should there always be an the .../data/index directory present?

I'm asking because I see the following situation on one SolrCloud node:

$ du -ms /home/solr/data/*
1188367    /home/solr/data/index.20131118152402344
709050    /home/solr/data/index.20131119210950598
1    /home/solr/data/index.properties
1    /home/solr/data/replication.properties
3053    /home/solr/data/tlog

1) there are 2 timestamped directories
2) there is no data/index directory

According to SnapPuller, the timestamped index dir is a temporary dir
and should be removed after replication..... unless maybe some error
case is not being handled correctly and timestamped index dirs are

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