On 11/20/2013 3:28 PM, Eugen Paraschiv wrote:
The reason I needed access to internal details of the class - and it's not
just these 2 fields (I used these just as a quick example) - was that I was
trying to extend the class and overload the request method. As soon as I
tried to do that, I noticed that I really couldn't easily do so - because
much of the fields has no getters and were not protected either (as you
pointed out).
So - it's not specifically about this to particular fields - it's more
about the overall extensibility of the class.
The class is very closed off in terms of the API - so it stands to reason
that it may be extended for some specific usecases (for example I am trying
to allow setting custom HTTP Headers on the GET request before sending it)
- this is mainly why I was asking if it would make sense to try to open it
up a little and make it more extensible.

That makes perfect sense. As Mark suggested, please file an issue in Jira. We can then figure out on the back end exactly what to do.

What kind of HTTP headers are you wanting to send? SolrJ should already send all the headers that Solr requires. If there's a compelling general use-case, we might want a Jira issue that makes it possible to define custom headers for all SolrServer implementations.


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