First - I completely agree with keeping the moving parts to a minimum - but
I do think that's a case by case decision, and in this particular case - it
may just be worth opening up a little.
Then - adding in a custom HttpClient may work - but HttpHeaders are set on
a request (and may differ from one request to the other) - so doing it in a
custom http client may be technically doable, but it's probably going to be
(and look like - from the API POV) a workaround.
As a quick example - I'm using a custom header to activate some
functionality in SORL, and another - to activate another type of
functionality. Ideally, I think the API should be:
solrServer.request(request, headers); // where headers is = final
Map<String, String> headers
Or if that's to specific:
solrServer.request(request, new HttpGet(...));
Now - I can definitely see how that may or may not be OK with the direction
of the API - which is why I was just thinking of extending the
HttpSolrServer and adding that method for my own version. And that is where
I ran into the problems with extensibility.
I think that - without going into adding overloading methods - a quick
change would be to carefully open some of the internal details up so that
they can be used by an extending class - either by making them protected,
or by adding in getters. Since setters do exist - I also think getters
won't add to much conceptual load or moving parts to the logic.

On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 12:49 AM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:

> On 11/20/2013 3:28 PM, Eugen Paraschiv wrote:
>> The reason I needed access to internal details of the class - and it's not
>> just these 2 fields (I used these just as a quick example) - was that I
>> was
>> trying to extend the class and overload the request method. As soon as I
>> tried to do that, I noticed that I really couldn't easily do so - because
>> much of the fields has no getters and were not protected either (as you
>> pointed out).
>> So - it's not specifically about this to particular fields - it's more
>> about the overall extensibility of the class.
>> The class is very closed off in terms of the API - so it stands to reason
>> that it may be extended for some specific usecases (for example I am
>> trying
>> to allow setting custom HTTP Headers on the GET request before sending it)
>> - this is mainly why I was asking if it would make sense to try to open it
>> up a little and make it more extensible.
> That makes perfect sense.  As Mark suggested, please file an issue in
> Jira.  We can then figure out on the back end exactly what to do.
> What kind of HTTP headers are you wanting to send?  SolrJ should already
> send all the headers that Solr requires.  If there's a compelling general
> use-case, we might want a Jira issue that makes it possible to define
> custom headers for all SolrServer implementations.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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