bq: By the term 'block', I assume SOLR returns a non 200

Pretty sure not. The query just waits around in the queue
in the server until the searcher is done warming, then the
search is executed and results returned.

bq: If a new SOLR server....

No. Apart from any ugly details about caches and internal
doc IDs, you'd have to pull the caches over the wire to the
new machine, and the caches could well be gigabytes in size.
This is almost certainly much slower than just firing
the warming queries locally. Seems like far too complex
a functionality to put in place to save the effort of specifying a
warmup query. Which you have to do anyway since you have to
be ready to restart your cluster.


On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 4:44 AM, ade-b <> wrote:

> Hi
> The definition of useColdSearcher config element in solrconfig.xml is
> "If a search request comes in and there is no current registered searcher,
> then immediately register the still warming searcher and use it.  If
> "false"
> then all requests will block until the first searcher is done warming".
> By the term 'block', I assume SOLR returns a non 200 response to requests.
> Does anybody know the exact response code returned when the server is
> blocking requests?
> If a new SOLR server is introduced into an existing array of SOLR servers
> (in SOLR Cloud setup), it will sync it's index from the leader. To save you
> having to specify warm-up queries in the solrconfig.xml file for first
> searchers, would/could the new server not auto warm it's caches from the
> caches of an existing server?
> Thanks
> Ade
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