Instead of using a function query, could I use the edismax query (plus some
low cost filters not shown in the example) and implement the
scale/sum/product computation in a PostFilter? Is the query's maxScore
available there?


On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 1:58 PM, Peter Keegan <>wrote:

> Although the 'scale' is a big part of it, here's a closer breakdown. Here
> are 4 queries with increasing functions, and theei response times (caching
> turned off in solrconfig):
> 100 msec:
> select?q={!edismax v='news' qf='title^2 body'}
> 135 msec:
> select?qq={!edismax v='news' qf='title^2
> body'}q={!func}product(field(myfield),query($qq)&fq={!query v=$qq}
> 200 msec:
> select?qq={!edismax v='news' qf='title^2
> body'}q={!func}sum(product(0.75,query($qq)),product(0.25,field(myfield))))&fq={!query
> v=$qq}
> 320 msec:
> select?qq={!edismax v='news' qf='title^2
> body'}&scaledQ=scale(product(query($qq),1),0,1)&q={!func}sum(product(0.75,$scaledQ),product(0.25,field(myfield)))&fq={!query
> v=$qq}
> Btw, that no-op product is necessary, else you get this exception:
>$BooleanWeight cannot be cast to 
> org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource.ScaleFloatFunction$ScaleInfo
> thanks,
> peter
> On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 1:30 PM, Chris Hostetter <
> > wrote:
>> : So, this query does just what I want, but it's typically 3 times slower
>> : than the edismax query  without the functions:
>> that's because the scale() function is inhernetly slow (it has to
>> compute the min & max value for every document in order to know how to
>> scale them)
>> what you are seeing is the price you have to pay to get that query with a
>> "normalized" 0-1 value.
>> (you might be able to save a little bit of time by eliminating that
>> no-Op multiply by 1: "product(query($qq),1)" ... but i doubt you'll even
>> notice much of a chnage given that scale function.
>> : Is there any way to speed this up? Would writing a custom function query
>> : that compiled all the function queries together be any faster?
>> If you can find a faster implementation for scale() then by all means let
>> us konw, and we can fold it back into Solr.
>> -Hoss

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