Hi Furkan,

Just curious what was the index rate that you were able to achieve?


On Thursday, December 5, 2013 3:06 PM, Furkan KAMACI <furkankam...@gmail.com> 

Erick and Shawn have explained that we need more information about your
infrastructure. I should add that: I had test data at my SolrCloud nearly
as much as yours and I did not have any problems except for when indexing
at a huge index rate and it can be solved with turning. You should optimize
your parameters according to your system. So you should give use more
information about your system.


4 Aralık 2013 Çarşamba tarihinde Shawn Heisey <s...@elyograg.org> adlı
kullanıcı şöyle yazdı:

> On 12/4/2013 6:31 AM, kumar wrote:
>> I am having almost 5 to 6 crores of indexed documents in solr. And when
i am
>> going to change anything in the configuration file solr server is going
>> down.
> If you mean crore and not core, then you are talking about 50 to 60
> million documents.  That's a lot.  Solr is perfectly capable of handling
> that many documents, but you do need to have very good hardware.
> Even if they are small, your index is likely to be many gigabytes in
> size.  If the documents are large, that might be measured in terabytes.
>  Large indexes require a lot of memory for good performance.  This will
> be discussed in more detail below.
>> As a new user to solr i can't able to find the exact reason for going
>> down.
>> I am using cache's in the following way :
>> <filterCache class="solr.FastLRUCache"
>>                  size="16384"
>>                  initialSize="4096"
>>                  autowarmCount="4096"/>
>>  <queryResultCache class="solr.FastLRUCache"
>>                      size="16384"
>>                      initialSize="4096"
>>                      autowarmCount="1024"/>
>> and i am not using any documentCache, fieldValueCahe's
> As Erick said, these cache sizes are HUGE.  In particular, your
> autowarmCount values are extremely high.
>> Whether this can lead any performance issue means going server down.
> Another thing that Erick pointed out is that you haven't really told us
> what's happening.  When you say that the server goes down, what EXACTLY
> do you mean?
>> And i am seeing logging in the server it is showing exception in the
>> following way
>> Servlet.service() for servlet [default] in context with path [/solr]
>> exception [java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot call sendError() after
>> the response has been committed] with root cause
> This message comes from your servlet container, not Solr.  You're
> probably using Tomcat, not the included Jetty.  There is some indirect
> evidence that this can be fixed by increasing the servlet container's
> setting for the maximum number of request parameters.
> http://forums.adobe.com/message/4590864
> Here's what I can say without further information:
> You're likely having performance issues.  One potential problem is your
> insanely high autowarmCount values.  Your cache configuration tells Solr
> that every time you have a soft commit or a hard commit with
> openSearcher=true, you're going to execute up to 1024 queries and up to
> 4096 filters from the old caches, in order to warm the new caches.  Even
> if you have an optimal setup, this takes a lot of time.  I suspect that
> you don't have an optimal setup.
> Another potential problem is that you don't have enough memory for the
> size of your index.  A number of potential performance problems are
> discussed on this wiki page:
> http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrPerformanceProblems
> A lot more details are required.  Here's some things that will be
> helpful, and more is always better:
> * Exact symptoms.
> * Excerpts from the Solr logfile that include entire stacktraces.
> * Operating system and version.
> * Total server index size on disk.
> * Total machine memory.
> * Java heap size for your servlet container.
> * Which servlet container you are using to run Solr.
> * Solr version.
> * Server hardware details.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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