We want to set a LocalParam on a nested query. When quering with "v" inline
parameter, it works fine:
{!lucene df=text v="TERM2 TERM3 \"TERM4 TERM5\""}

the parsedquery_toString is
+id:TERM1 +(text:term2 text:term3 text:"term4 term5")

Query using the "_query_" also works fine:
_query_:"{!lucene df=text}TERM2 TERM3 \"TERM4 TERM5\""

(parsedquery is exactly the same).

BUT, when trying to put the nested query in place, it yields syntax error:
{!lucene df=text}(TERM2 TERM3 "TERM4 TERM5")

org.apache.solr.search.SyntaxError: Cannot parse '(TERM2'

The previous options are less preferred, because the escaping that should
be made on the nested query.

Can't I set a LocalParam to a nested query without escaping the query?

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