You can implement it in this way:
Index number of cities as new int field (like <field 
name="numberOfCities">2</field>) and implement user function like

"customFunction(price, numberOfCities, 10000, 2000, 5)"

Custom parser should parse this into value sources list. From first two field 
sources we can get per doc value for this particular fields, another three will 
be ConstValueSource instances - just constants, so we can access all 5 values 
and implement custom formula per doc id. Find examples in ValueSourceParser and 
solr functions like DefFunction or MinFloatFunction

10.12.2013, 09:31, "Mukundaraman valakumaresan" <>:
> Hi Hoss,
> Thanks a lot for your response. The actual problem is,
> For every record that I query, I have to execute a formula and sort the
> records based on the value of the formula.
> The formula has elements from the record.
> For eg. for the following document ,I need to apply the formula (maxprice -
> solrprice)/ (maxprice - minprice)  +  count(cities)/totalcities.
> where maxprice, maxprice and total cities will be available at run time.
> So for the following record, it has to execute as  (10000 -
> *5000*)/(10000-2000)
> + *2*/5   (where 5000 and 2, which are in bold are from the document)
> <doc>
> <field name="id">apartment_1</field>
> <field name="name">Casa Grande</field>
> <field name="locality">chennai</field>
> <field name="locality">bangalore</field>
> <field name="price">5000</field>
> </doc>
> Thanks & Regards
> Mukund
> On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 12:22 AM, Chris Hostetter
> <>wrote:
>>  Smells like an XY problem ...
>>  Can you please describe what your end goal is in writing a custom
>>  function, and what you would do with things like the "name" field inside
>>  your funciton?
>>  In general, accessing stored field values for indexed documents ca be
>>  prohibitively expensive, it rather defeats the entire point of the
>>  inverted index data structure.  If you help us understand what your goal
>>  is, people may be able to offer performant suggestions.
>>  XY Problem
>>  Your question appears to be an "XY Problem" ... that is: you are dealing
>>  with "X", you are assuming "Y" will help you, and you are asking about "Y"
>>  without giving more details about the "X" so that we can understand the
>>  full issue.  Perhaps the best solution doesn't involve "Y" at all?
>>  See Also:
>>  : Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2013 20:24:15 +0530
>>  : From: Mukundaraman valakumaresan <>
>>  : Reply-To:
>>  : To:
>>  : Subject: Getting Solr Document Attributes from a Custom Function
>>  :
>>  : Hi All,
>>  :
>>  : I have a written a custom solr function and I would like to read a
>>  property
>>  : of the document inside my custom function. Is it possible to get that
>>  using
>>  : Solr?
>>  :
>>  : For eg. inside the floatVal method, I would like to get the value of the
>>  : attribute "name"
>>  :
>>  : public class CustomValueSource extends ValueSource {
>>  :
>>  : @Override
>>  : public FunctionValues getValues(Map context,
>>  : AtomicReaderContext readerContext) throws IOException {
>>  :  return new FloatDocValues(this) { @Override public float floatVal(int
>>  doc)
>>  : {
>>  : /*******
>>  :  getDocument(doc).getAttribute("name")
>>  :
>>  : ********/ }}}
>>  :
>>  : Thanks & Regards
>>  : Mukund
>>  :
>>  -Hoss

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