
My solr got OOM recently after i upgraded from solr 4.0 to 4.6.1.
I check heap dump and found that it has many SolrIndexSearcher (SIS)
objects (24), i expect only 1 SIS because we have 1 core.

I make some experiment
- Right after start solr, it has only 1 SolrIndexSearcher
- *But after i index some docs and run softCommit or hardCommit with
openSearcher=false, number of SolrIndexSearcher increase by 1*
- When hard commit with openSearcher=true, nubmer of SolrIndexSearcher
(SIS) doesn't increase but i foudn it log, it open new searcher, i guest
old SIS closed.

I don't know why number of SIS increase like this and finally cause
OutOfMemory, can SolrIndexSearcher be leak?


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