On 2/17/2014 7:06 PM, Colin Bartolome wrote:
> Increasing the maxTime value doesn't actually solve the problem, though;
> it just makes it a little less likely. Really, the soft commits aren't
> the problem here, as far as we can tell. It's that a request that
> triggers a hard commit simply fails when the server is already at
> maxWarmingSearchers. I would expect the request to queue up and wait
> until the server could handle it.

I think I put too much information in my reply.  Apologies.  Here's the
most important information to deal with first:

Don't send hard commits at all.  Configure autoCommit in your server
config, with the all-important openSearcher parameter set to false.
That will take care of all your hard commit needs, but those commits
will never open a new searcher, so they cannot cause an overlap with the
soft commits that DO open a new searcher.


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