On 2/18/2014 5:28 AM, Bruno Mannina wrote:
> We have actually a SOLR db with around 88 000 000 docs.
> All work fine :)
> We receive each year a new backfile with the same content (but improved).
> Index these docs takes several days on SOLR,
> So is it possible to create a new collection (restart SOLR) and
> Index these new 88 000 000 docs without stopping the current collection ?
> We have around 1 million connections by month.
> Do you think that this new indexation may cause problem to SOLR using?
> Note: new database will not be used until the current collection will be
> stopped.

You can instantly switch between collections by using the alias feature.
 To do this, you would have collections named something like test201302
and test201402, then you would create an alias named 'test' that points
to one of these collections.  Your code can use 'test' as the collection

Without a lot more information, it's impossible to say whether building
a new collection will cause performance problems for the existing

It does seem like a problem that rebuilding the index takes several
days.  You might already be having performance problems.  It's also
possible that there's an aspect to this that I am not seeing, and that
several days is perfectly normal for YOUR index.

Not enough RAM is the most common reason for performance issues on a
large index:



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