Looks like you might be able to use sub-documents (or whatever it is called in 
SOLR) for this; create the parent document without any dates, and a child 
document for each date range.

On 01 Mar 2014, at 19:41 , Thomas Scheffler <thomas.scheff...@uni-jena.de> 

> Am 01.03.14 18:24, schrieb Erick Erickson:
>> I'm not clear what you're really after here.
>> Solr certainly supports ranges, things like time:[* TO date_spec] or
>> date_field:[date_spec TO date_spec] etc.
>> There's also a really creative use of spatial (of all things) to, say
>> answer questions involving multiple dates per record. Imagine, for
>> instance, employees with different hours on different days. You can
>> use spatial to answer questions like "which employees are available
>> on Wednesday between 4PM and 8PM".
>> And if none of this is relevant, how about you give us some
>> use-cases? This could well be an XY problem.
> Hi,
> lets try this example to show the problem. You have some old text that was 
> written in two periods of time:
> 1.) 2nd half of 13th century: -> 1250-1299
> 2.) Beginning of 18th century: -> 1700-1715
> You are searching for text that were written between 1300-1699, than this 
> document described above should not be hit.
> If you make start date and end date multiple this results in:
> start: [1250, 1700]
> end: [1299, 1715]
> A search for documents written between 1300-1699 would be:
> (+start:[1300 TO 1699] +end:[1300-1699]) (+start:[* TO 1300] +end:[1300 TO 
> *]) (+start:[*-1699] +end:[1700 TO *])
> You see that the document above would obviously hit by "(+start:[* TO 1300] 
> +end:[1300 TO *])"
> Hope you see the problem. This problem is the same when ever you face 
> multiple ranges in one field of a document. For every duplication you need to 
> create a separate SOLR document. If you have two such fields in one document, 
> field "one" with n values and field "two" with m values. You are forced to 
> create m*n documents. This fact and the rather unhandy query (s.o.) are my 
> motivation to ask for range types like in PostgreSQL where the problem is 
> solved.
> regards,
> Thomas

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