Regarding PermGen: Yes we have a bunch of custom jars loaded in solrcloud
(containing custom parsing, analyzers). But I haven't specifically enabled
any string interning. Does solr intern all strings in a collection by

I agree with doc and Filter Query Cache. Query Result cache hits are
practically 0 for the large collection since our queries are tail by nature


On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 5:01 AM, Michael Sokolov <> wrote:

> On 3/3/2014 1:54 AM, KNitin wrote:
>> 3. 2.8 Gb - Perm Gen (I am guessing this is because of interned strings)
> As others have pointed out, this is really unusual for Solr.  We often see
> high permgen in our app servers due to dynamic class loading that the
> framework performs; maybe you are somehow loading lots of new Solr plugins,
> or otherwise creating lots of classes?  Of course if you have a plugin or
> something that does a lot of string interning, that could also be an
> explanation.
> -Mike

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