On 3/3/2014 9:02 AM, Thomas Fischer wrote:
The setting is
solr directories (I use different solr versions at the same time):
/srv/solr/solr4.6.1 is the solr home, in solr home is a file solr.xml of the new 
"discovery type" (no cores), and inside the core directories are empty files 
core.properties and symbolic links to the universal conf directory.
solr webapps (I use very different webapps simultaneously):
/srv/www/webapps/solr/solr4.6.1 is the solr webapp

I tried to convey this information to the tomcat server by putting a file 
solr4.6.1.xml into the cataiina/localhost folder with the contents
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Context docBase="/srv/www/webapps/solr/solr4.6.1" debug="0" 
        <Environment name="solr/home" type="java.lang.String" value="/srv/solr/solr4.6.1" 

Your message is buried deep in another message thread about NoSQL, because you replied to an existing message rather than starting a new message to solr-user@lucene.apache.org. On list-mirroring forums like Nabble, nobody will even see your message (or this reply) unless they actually open that other thread. This is what it looks like on a threading mail reader (Thunderbird):


I don't use Tomcat, so I can't even begin to comment on that. I can talk about your solr home setting and what Solr is going to do with that.

You probably do not have /srv/solr/solr4.6.1/solr.xml on your system. Solr will look for solr.mxl in your solr home, and if it cannot find it, it assumes that you are not running multicore, so it look for things like collection1/conf/solrconfig.xml instead.

There is a solr.xml in the example. Use that, changing as necessary, or create a solr.xml file with just the following line in it. It will probably start working:


You *might* need the following instead, but since Solr uses standard XML parsing libraries, I would guess that the above line will work.



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