On 3/28/2014 10:22 AM, Joshi, Shital wrote:
What happens when we use commit=false in Solr update URL?

1.      Does it invalidate all caches? We really need to know this.

2.      Nothing happens to existing searcher, correct?

3.      All data gets written to translog, correct?

1) No.  A commit with openSearcher=true is required to invalidate caches.
1a) The default for openSearcher is true.

2) Correct.  See #1.

3) If the transaction log is enabled, everything gets written to it, regardless of commit parameters and auto settings. A hard commit (with any openSearcher value) will close the current transaction log and start a new one.

It's my understanding that the default setting for the commit parameter is false unless you change it with the config or a request parameter.


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