Thank you for the clarification.
We really need scoring with solr joins, but as you can see I'm not a specialist in solr development. We would like to hire somebody with more experience to write a qparser plugin for scoring in joins and donate the source code to the community.

Any suggestions where we could find somebody with the fitting experience?

Zitat von Mikhail Khludnev <>:

On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 1:33 PM, <> wrote:

Hello Mikhail,

thx for the clarification. I'm a little bit confused by the answer of
Alvaro, but my own tests didn't result in a proper score, so I think you're
right and it's still not implemented.

What do you mean with the "impedance between Lucene and Solr"?

It's an old story, and unfortunately obvious. Using Lucene's code in Solr
might not be straightforward. I haven't looked at this problem
particularly, it's just a caveat.

Why isn't the possibility of scoring in joins not implemented in Solr
anyways when Lucene offers a solution for that?

As you can see these are two separate implementation. It seems like Solr
guys just didn't care about scoring (and here I share their point). It's
just an exercise for someone, who needs it.

Best regards,

Zitat von Mikhail Khludnev <>:

 On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 1:42 PM, <> wrote:


referencing to this issue:

Is it still not possible with the solr query time join to use scoring?

 It's not implemented still.

 Do I still have to write my own plugin or is there a plugin somewhere I
could use?

I never wrote a plugin for solr before, so I would prefer if I don't have
to start from scratch.

 The right approach from my POV is to use Lucene's join
new QParser, but solving the impedance between Lucene and Solr, might


Sincerely yours
Mikhail Khludnev
Principal Engineer,
Grid Dynamics


Sincerely yours
Mikhail Khludnev
Principal Engineer,
Grid Dynamics


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