You could look at this link to understand about the factors that affect the solrcloud performance:
Especially, the sections about RAM and disk cache. If the index grows too big for one node, it can lead to performance issues. From the looks of it, 500mil docs per shard - may be already pushing it. How much does that translate to in terms of index size on disk per shard? -vinay On 15 April 2014 21:44, Mukesh Jha <> wrote: > Hi Gurus, > > In my solr cluster I've multiple shards and each shard containing > ~500,000,000 documents total index size being ~1 TB. > > I was just wondering how much more can I keep on adding to the shard before > we reach a tipping point and the performance starts to degrade? > > Also as best practice what is the recomended no of docs / size of shards . > > Txz in advance :) > > -- > Thanks & Regards, > > *Mukesh Jha <>* >