
Thanks! Obviously a bad cut/paste on my part, you're absolutely correctl

On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 11:35 AM, Toke Eskildsen <> 
> [] On Behalf Of Mukesh Jha 
> [] wrote:
>> In my solr cluster I've multiple shards and each shard containing
>> ~500,000,000 documents total index size being ~1 TB.
>> I was just wondering how much more can I keep on adding to the shard before
>> we reach a tipping point and the performance starts to degrade?
> Looking isolated at the number of documents, there are no hard corners: More 
> documents just means worse performance, with the relative performance 
> deterioration per document getting smaller and smaller. For index size, there 
> is a bump when it blows the disk cache and machines using spinning drives are 
> quite hurt by that. But it seems that you are way past that so adding more 
> documents will just give you slightly worse performance.
> If you are not already doing so, do log index size and performance as your 
> data grows. You should soon be able to get an idea about how performance 
> deteriorates as a function of index size and with that you can see when it 
> will be too bad for your needs.
>> Also as best practice what is the recomended no of docs / size of shards .
> None. It depends on your data and your usage.
> - Toke Eskildsen

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